

Tandem-Ion-Accelerator, HVEE 2MV (HighVoltage Engeneering Europe B.V.)

This setup is used for Rutherford Backscattering Spectromony (RBS) with 4He+ and 4He2+ ions.

RBS is an analytical technique used to determine the composition and depth profile of samples and thin films by measuring the backscattering of impinging high energy ions. The energy of backscattered particles depends on the incoming beam energy as well as the target atom mass and depth inside the sample.


Picture of the RBS line and chamber with goniometer

General Information:

Maximum Voltage 2 MV

Energy range of impinging ions from 0.5 to 6 MeV (with 4He2+ ions)


Injection Unit:

RF He-Plasma Source

Charge Exchange Canal (CEC) using Li-Vapor at 600 °C

90° analysing magnet


Accelerator Unit:

SF6-insulated, Cockroft-Walton type HV power supply (capacitivily coupled)

HV terminal stripper system (N2)

switching magnet


RBS Analysis Chamber:

vacuum system allows working pressures around 10-7 mbar

sample rotation (phi-rotation, theta-tilt)

semiconductor detector with multichannel analyser



Schematic picture of the tandem-ion-accelerator system with RBS line.
Basics of the backscattering process: the principle measurement geometry of RBS setup for thin ?lms. The backscattering spectrum is shown as an inset on the side of the sample model.
