

Theses and Research/Project Modules

Available theses (bachelor thesis, master thesis), research and project modules as well as tutor and HiWi jobs can be found on this website or on the black board of the professorship ( across from room 3003-N and next to room 3079-N).


We will be happy to present our theses to interested students on request. The topics are primarily from our research areas or our national and international projects. However, students are also welcome to contribute their own ideas and approaches. If you are interested, please get in touch with the respective contact person.


Topic ?Active Learning“

Active Learning Cycle


Deep learning projects usually require a large set of annotated data. In the medical field, these annotations usually have to be created manually, which is very expensive. Within the LIFEDATA research project a framework is being developed which should reduce the manual effort by using Active Learning and Semi Supervised Learning.



The research project takes place in cooperation with Corpuls, allowing various tasks to be worked on at the university or in the company. For details please contact us.







Topic ?Intent-Based Networking“



As networks and in particular mobile networks get more and more complex, keeping things manageable is a main goal. The concept of Intent-Based Networking aims to abstract the complexity from the operator. In this approach, given an Intent Specification Platform, which translates verbally formulated intents into formally structured Intent Logic Units, the focus lies in a system that translates these partly still abstract intent logic units into more technical ones, which the system may automatically activate in a network.



In the context of this project module / master thesis, the student shall design and implement an Intent Fulfilment mechanism that uses incoming intent logic units and search a matching set of intent logic units on a more technical level using a dedicated Intent Logic Library.






This work is in cooperation with Nokia Bell Labs in Munich and the student therefore needs to sign an appropriate Non-Disclosure Agreement.



Research/Project Modules

Frequently, research or project modules are also offered for the above-mentioned thesis topics. If you are interested, please contact the respective supervisor.

HiWi & Tutor Jobs
